Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thoughts for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day – To be Loved? Or, To be in Love?  (Part 1)

Before I plunge into my feelings (my blog, my feelings) about Valentine’s Day, I’d like to share a few interesting facts about this particular holiday that brings either great joy, or discontentment to so many people.

Did you know that Valentine’s Day is second to New Year’s Day as a holiday that is celebrated throughout the entire world? 
Yes, Valentine’s Day, is celebrated throughout the entire world.  Different cultures may celebrate it in different ways, but it is the second biggest holiday on an international level.  Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for many, many years.  Some look upon it as being a “religious” holiday, and others have look at it as being a pagan holiday.  (The paganism is traced back to the Roman Empire  Those pesky Romans!.) 

Did you know that Valentine’s Day origin can also be traced to ‘The Roman Empire?’ (What was it with the Roman Empire?) 
During the rule of Roman Emperor Claudius, II, he outlawed all marriages because he feared that his young men would not fight if they were wedded.  It was his belief that they would choose to stay with their wives, rather than fight, and it would be a great loss to the Roman Empire’s army.  As a result of his law, many young couples would seek Bishop Valentine, of the Catholic Church, and he would secretly marry them.  Eventually, Bishop Valentine was captured and sentenced to death by Emperor Claudius.  While in jail, it is said that he fell in love with his jailer’s daughter and in the last letter he wrote to her, he signed it, “from your Valentine.”  The rest is legend!  

Did you know that Valentine’s Day became associated with romantic love during the High Middle Ages?
A lot of historians give credit to Geoffrey Chaucer (yes, Mr. Canterbury Tales himself), for the first written reference to Valentine’s Day being associated with romantic love.    “Courtly love,” a term that is no longer used today, became the direction for Valentine’s Day and has become the variant that we know today. 

Did you know that the oldest written Valentine still in existence is a poem written by Charles the Duke of Orleans, for his wife while he was being held a prisoner in the Tower of London? 
Je suis desja d'amour tanné
Ma tres doulce Valentinée...
—Charles d'Orléans, Rondeau VI, lines 1–2
Roughly translated, “I am sick of love, my gentle Valentine…” but that is only the first two lines of this poem.  To understand it fully, you would have to read and translate the entire poem.

Did you know that Valentine's Day is mentioned in Hamlet by Ophelia? 
To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,
And dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.
—William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

Men, did you know that you have the diamond industry to thank for introducing jewelry into the scene in the 1980s?  
Although a lot of you would like to say woman are responsible, it just isn’t true.  Valentine’s Day is a money maker for jewelry stores and jewelers thanks to the diamond industry.

Did you know more condoms are sold on or around Valentine’s Day?
Well, I didn’t say all of my facts would meet approval, but it is very true.  There is a 20% to 30% increase in the sale of condoms during this time.  Interesting, there is a higher percentage of pregnancy test sold in March, than in any other month!  Do the math!

Did you know that “Date Rape,” or attempted date rape, is a big boom on the evening of February 14thSadly, this is a fact!  Date rape comes when the “expectation of more” isn’t given on Valentine’s Day.  Unfortunately, there are men and women who have expectations of what they should give or not give.  Valentine’s Day was never intended to be a “booty call.”  (Personal message:  I hope your head still hurts where I beamed you with a vase.) 

Did you know that in Japan, the women mostly give chocolates?
Yes men, there is actually a place where you get to be treated to chocolates.  However, don’t get it confused…in Japan there is also a custom of giving “obligatory chocolates” as well.  Do the research! 

Did you know that 10% of women send flowers to themselves on Valentine’s Day?
I don’t have a problem with this at all…but don’t just send yourself flowers, take yourself out to dinner too!  Buy yourself that piece of jewelry you have been admiring.  Who says you can’t be your own Valentine?

Speaking of flowers, do you know the mark-up on flowers during Valentine’s Day is inevitable?    Supply and Demand!  Simple as that!  My husband refuses to buy me flowers for Valentine’s Day!  He will buy me roses the week before or the week after, but never on Valentine’s Day.  Does it bother me?  No!  It is one of his idiosyncrasies; and he has given me enough flowers in my lifetime.  Before you get twisted in a knot about not receiving flowers remember one thing:  Flowers will die, but memories will linger!

…more to come about the symbols of Valentine's Day!

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